Pre-Virtual ESVC19- 3 Days

In this SDP Industrial expert will teach to the participants how to design and develop solar car using various CAD and CAE software.

This year in the Pre-virtual round also include following sessions on:
o Team Management
o Project Planning & Management.
o Part procurements manufacturing
o Sponsorship
o Final Event Planning
o Start-up & B-Plan Preparation
o Sketching activity for design approach.

Every Team must send maximum no of representative from every department of the vehicle, so the team can understand not only design and fabrication process of the vehicle but also know how to manage a project and get sponsorship from industries.

Certificate of Participation

Certificate of participation will be provided by ISIE-INDIA to every participant of skill development Program.

Online Test

There will be 100 Point Written/Online test that will directly count in your final round scoring. The test will consist 50 questions, all questions will be from the only rule book.

Online Test (Rulebook Based): Total 12 member will be allowed in the rulebook test.
Scoring: Grand total of 12 Member / 12
[button type=”rd_3d_bt” animation=”rda_pulse” size=”smallmedium_rd_bt” t_color=”#ffffff” b_color=”#a1b1bc” t_hover_color=”#ffffff” b_hover_color=”#222533″ radius=”3″ url=””]DOWNLOAD COURSE CONTENT[/button]

Course Content

S. No Timing Mechanical/Auto/Design Electrical/Electronics
1 9:00 Am to 12:00 PM Material Selection Process Electrical System Layout
Manufacturing & Design Consideration Tractive System and Connection
Chassis Design (Solid works) Electric Motor & Controller
Use of Proper Pipes (Seamless) Connection & Live Demo
Welding Techniques
2 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM Usage of Standardized Part Electric Vehicle Safety System i.e. Kill Switch, Brake over Travel Switch and other safety Features.
LUNCH 1:00 PM to 1:40 PM


3 1:40 PM to 4:00 PM Beam Simulation (Static/Dynamic) Dry & Acid batteries
Suspension Analysis ( Lotus Shark) Battery Selection Process
Suspension Points Calculation & Suspension Geometry Accumulator Design
Battery Level Indicator
Driver Ergonomics Accumulator Safety, Cooling System and Fire Wall
Selection of Tyre & Wheels High Voltage and Wiring (Safety)
4 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM Interaction & Doubt Session Interaction & Doubt Session

Pre-Virtual Round Test Result


Click Here to download

Venue & Dates

[testimonials_ctn style=”rd_tm_5″ animation=”rda_fadeInUp” hl_color=”#20caa8″ bg_color=”#f9fafb” b_color=”#e4e7e9″ margin_bottom=”30″][testimonial_sc image=”8733″ author=”North Zone” a_info=”Arya Group of Colleges”]Address: SP-40,Kukas Industrial Area (RIICO), Delhi Road, Jaipur (Rajasthan) 302028

Date: 26th-28th Oct 2018[/testimonial_sc][/testimonials_ctn]

[testimonials_ctn style=”rd_tm_5″ animation=”rda_fadeInUp” bg_color=”#f9fafb” b_color=”#e4e7e9″ margin_bottom=”30″][testimonial_sc image=”9377″ author=”South Zone” a_info=”Gojan School of Business and Technology, Chennai, TN”]Address:  80 Feet Road, Edapalayam, Redhills, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600052

Date: 12th-14th Oct 2018[/testimonial_sc][/testimonials_ctn]

[testimonials_ctn style=”rd_tm_5″][testimonial_sc image=”9384″ author=”East Zone” a_info=”National Institute of Technology, Bihar, Patna”]Address: National Institute of Technology, Ashok Rajpath, Mahendru, Patna, Bihar 800005

Dates: 5th-7th Oct 2018[/testimonial_sc][/testimonials_ctn]

Glimpse of ESVC18 Pre-Virtual

[rd_images_carousel style=”rd_ic_tp” images=”8756,8757,8754,8749,8748,8753,8752,8755,8750,8751″ scroll=”yes” speed=”300″]

Industrial Guest

[testimonials_ctn style=”rd_tm_5″ animation=”rda_fadeInUp” b_color=”#b2b2b2″][testimonial_sc image=”8776″ author=”South Zone” a_info=”Dr Shankar Venugopal”]Vice President, Mahindra & Mahindra

Mahindra Research Valley, Chennai.[/testimonial_sc][/testimonials_ctn]

[testimonials_ctn style=”rd_tm_5″ animation=”rda_fadeInUp” bg_color=”#f9fafb” b_color=”#e4e7e9″ margin_bottom=”30″][testimonial_sc image=”8774″ author=”North Zone” a_info=”Eicher Polaris Pvt Limited, Jaipur”]Mr. Sukhjeet Singh, Head Assembly and Paint.

Mr. Vipin Rajak, Manager New Product Development.[/testimonial_sc][/testimonials_ctn]

Hospitality Partner